(Estd. 1954. Regn. No. SR-31 of 1981)
Motto: “Chiehleipazy bao ta, deichhyna lia hmaohkhata.”
Website : www.mtphqsiaha.org
Email : [email protected]
MTP is the largest NGOs of Mara Communities. It was founded in 1954 on 9th October Registered under the government of Assam in 1954, and later registered under the Government of Mizoram under Firms and Societies Act with a registration number No. SR 31 of 1981). Its founding fathers are Valua Hlychho, Rev Dr. T. Laikai, Rev. L. Mark, Mylai Hlychho and A. Saimaw.
It has its Headquarters at Siaha, headed by the President & its executive Bodies. It has 13 Sub-Headquarters, and 72 Branches.
The President and its Executive Bodies/Councils are directly elected by all members of the Branches and functions for a team of three years.
Motto: “Chiehleipazy bao ta, deichhyna lia hmaokha ta”(To help the poor and weaker and uplift them in collaboration)
Aims & Objects :
- Protection & Promotion of Mara Custom & Tradition.
- Promotion of Mara Indigenous language.
- To fight against illegal drugs & narcotics.
- To promote socio-economic & health condition of the weaker section & the poor.
- Providing better facilities for the weak and uplift the poor.
- Providing food and shelters for the migrant workers and refugees.
It has been working with in collaboration for fighting widespread of virus during the pandemic Covid-19 and in fighting against abuse of drugs & narcotics. Fighting against illegal entry of foreign goods and products, human trafficking and against Bio-piracy under which a good outcome was resulted.
They have been worked for health awareness campaigned free vaccination of Covid-19 in the resend past. Besides, they have been worked to counter check cross boarder terrorism and an act of militarization as well as smuggling of arms and ammunition in the Indo Myanmar border.
MTP is the largest not-for-profit voluntary organization here in Indo-Myanmar boarder of Maraland. And it has witness desirable (Memorable) works and achievements.
From the past experienced it has the following Activities and achievements:-
- Fighting/fight against spread of COVID-19.
- Fight against Forest fire, bio piracy.
- Fight against abuse of drugs and alcohols.
- Organizing sanitation & health awareness.
- Upliftment of weaker sections of the societies and the poor by building a better home and economics relief.
- Construction of houses, homes and shelters for widow, the poor and refugees.
- Education awareness to the rural villages and depressed classes.
- It was considered as the largest NGOs who fought for the welfare of the societies.
- Preparation of all cemeteries and burial sites including disposal of dead bodies.
- Transportation of patients and coffin from one place to the final destination ranging from homes to Hospitals and clinics at free of cost.
Present Executive bodies:-
President : Shri Pakhaw Choza
Senior vice president : S. Vabeihasa
Vice President : Pahmo Hlychho
General Secretary : R. Israel Chozah
Treasurer : T. Cassidy
Finance secretary : TT. Chhote
Information & publicity : Martin VT . Beiraduakhei
Art & Culture : T. Beihronga
Social welfare : Dr. Beizakaw
Games & Sports : TT. Vabeichhuakhu
The Executive bodies called office bearers are assisted by the appointed 20 executive members, which are designated as under.;-
Executive Committee Members : 14
Advisors – senior advisors : 2
Junior advisers : 2
Auditors : 2
Besides the Executive bodies that deals with their own/each perspective portfolios, there are seven to eight numbers of Cells and Sub-committees dealing with various issues and challenges viz. 1. Anti-Drugs and narcotics cell 2. Project Team. 3. IT Cell 4. Refugee managing board 5. Kô Phuahpa (resolution) Sub-Committee 5. Vigilance and Monitoring Cell 6. Disaster Managing Board 7. Anti-Illegal Trading Cell.
I.T Cell Project Team: MTP Gen.Hq.Siaha
1 Chairman : T.Beihronga
- Secretary : Solomon N.Beihlôtha
- Pawsa Lava : Member (Chief Admin)
- KT.Beimokhai : Member (Admin)
- J.Thangvung : Member
- J.Khotha : Member
- VT.Martin : Member
- N.Mesaka : Member
- Sironi Notlia : Member
Mara Thyutlia Py
Abbreviation : MTP
Formation : 10th Oct, 1953
Type : Voluntary association
Legal status : Active Indian society
Purpose : Heritage conservation, Youth Development and Promotion, Services to the poor and the needy, Conservation of nature and charitable services etc.
Headquarters : Siaha, Mizoram India
Region served : Northeast India
Membership : Any Mara above 14 years of age.
Total Members : About 45,600
Total area : About 1445-2500 Sq.Kms
There are Six Sub-Hqrs and 72 Branch which covers all of MADC area and some parts of Myanmar.
By laws and the constitution : Enclosed
Main Activities and Achievements : Appended.